Biopoplar s.r.l.
Biopoplar s.r.l. has established itself as a supporting enterprise within the chain of energetic crops, first of all wood biomass from Short and Medium Rotation Forestry (SRF and MRF).

Poplar breeding

Harvesting machine at work

The effort made by Biopoplar s.r.l. has been upgrading the production process in the Short Rotation Forestry (SRF) and Medium Rotation Forestry (MRF) finalized to the production of energy, OSB panel and pulp wood, also thanks to partnership and collaborations with different bodies, as follows.

Biomass plantation

Plantation for the production of energy (poplar energy), OSB panel and pulp wood

Research and genetic selection: Thanks to the strong partnership with Allasia Plant S.s. nursery and the Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO, Belgium) and the collaboration with Institutes and Universities (C.R.A. Istituto di Ricerca per le Produzioni Fuori Foresta, University Federico II in Naples) Biopoplar S.r.l. has realized an extensive and purposed program of genetic development addressed to the constitution and selection of new hybrid poplar clones and to the improvement of breeding and cultivation techniques.


New genetic material

Company know-how:
The improvement comes from both scientific partnerships and work experience within the chain of production in different European countries, mainly through the business units set in Spain (Biopoplar Iberica s.l.).

In Europe the company has been involnved in:
- preliminary evaluations of chain projects;
- testing trials in sites different on soil and climate conditions;
- technical assistance to farmers in the field (energetic crops);
- tutoring and partnership in any step of product delivery.

Stock of wood biomass

Working with different clients in different sites allowed Biopoplar group to become a leading company in any step of the chain of wood biomass production.
Technological innovation – Mechanization:
The partnership with the Italian IVALSA Research Institute and the Turin University led to developing and patenting a new transplanting machine (Bio T3) and a new harvesting machine (Bio-Harvester). The two machines allow the owners to cut down the costs in SFR.

Species / Clones:
Poplar: Oudenberg, Vesten, Orion, Baldo, Bakan and Skado
Eucalyptus: E. camaldulensis, E. trabutii, E. globulus
Locust: selezione Energy

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Provvedimento n.229 dell'8 maggio 2014 - pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 126 del 3 giugno 2014.

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